The short answer is: the "Notes" field in XPunch is for whatever purpose you want to use it for.
Much longer than the "Subject" field, the "Notes" field can be used to record details associated with the punch.
Here are some examples of things that people record in their Notes fields:
- Additional details above and beyond the Subject field that describe the work that was done during the punch
- Keywords, so that a search can be performed at a later date to find punches containing them, such as #unpaid, #vacation, #offsite, #incomplete, etc.
- Mileage of a vehicle at the start / end of a punch
- Location that the punch took place in
- Names of people related to a discussion made during a punch
- Details of a discussion made during a punch
- A hyperlink that points toward critical documents consulted during the punch
- Receipts: purchase amounts, receipt numbers, hyperlinks pointing toward photos of the receipts
- Aide-mémoire: keywords or other information that can be used to jog the memory at a later date
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